Thank you, Oklahoma State Senate, for sustaining Gov. Henry's veto! Now I do not have to be embarrassed to say that I am from Oklahoma!
The Chambers of Commerce of both Oklahoma City and Tulsa lobbied for the veto, as well as the OK Chapter of NMSS and the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation.
I found out about this legislation last weekend at an MS seminar in OKC, hosted by the manufacturers of Copaxone. The speaker is the only listed MS specialist in OK, Dr. Gabriel Pardo, an ophtho-neurologist (see a video of him here). I'll write more about the seminar in a later post. Dr. Pardo urged all of us to contact our legislators to make sure this did not pass. So, it's his fault that my blood pressure went on a roller-coaster ride today!
I probably should get some of the work for which I'm paid done.
1 year ago
Glad that Legislation was not passed! :)
Take a look at my Blog... KREATIV BLOGGERS Award!!! You have won the Award. Congratulations and thank you for your Blogs!!
No need to be embarrassed about your Okie status...but if you start chanting the "Boomer Sooner's" song, I might have to have you killed. LMAO
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